3. Year Founded: 2011
4. Is this your first online store? Yes
5. I decided to open an Etsy store because.... I wanted to start my own business doing something creative around a subject I love.
6. I would describe my store as.... Wooftastic! Pawsome! Meowrific! Purrmazing! Grrrreat!
7. The biggest surprise in opening my store has been... How much work it is to market.
8. Typical number of hours spent per week on my store: 20.
9. My most marked characteristic is... perseverance.
10. In my spare time I... take a dog to one of the many fabulous dog parks here in Seattle.
11. Length of time before listing my first item and making my first sale: I listed my Etsy shop at the beginning of August, 2011. First sale was August 28, 2011.
12. Biggest business mistake I learned the hard way was... Don’t be in a rush to put your listing up – make sure it’s correct and appealing.
13. I market my store by... Facebook, Twitter, tags.
14. I wish I knew how to... take great pictures and do amazing html/css stuff.
15. If I could change one thing about myself it would be...
16. Best part of having an Etsy store: Customers who appreciate my work.
17. Worst part of having an Etsy store: Dry stretches of no sales.
18. The best piece of advice I can share on having a successful Etsy store is...swift communication is important.
19. Last item I bought on Etsy was... a pendant for my wife.
20. Product I chose to feature from my store is my 3D Stainless Steel Heart Pet ID Tag. I chose it because because this piece is my most innovative design.
Thanks Flash for sharing your experiences and giving us a peek at the products your create!
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